So i found that i need 64 bit java to be able to increase it more but as far as i can tell i have that. So i found that you need to go to the settings and give it more RAM but mine only gives me the option for 512mb, 768mb, or 1gb. I click play and it starts to look like its working then it gets to initialising and it stops and says not responding. I have everything it says i should need but its still not working. Ive had the same issue with other packs so im starting to think its a problem in the technic launcher rather than the mod creators.

So if you are running Java 8, I recommend getting Java 7 as well. Have you tried to install the Java 8 JDK instead of the the regular Java 8 This is a bit more essential for Mac users. This will make locally run Java applications use Java 7 instead of Java 6.

Questions or how to check your system can be found here: Windows users: Mac users: Linux users: If you are needing to upgrade your Java install, grab a copy from here and follow these guides: Windows Users: Check what version of Java your running by going here: Or checking your installed programs by going to: Control Panel - Programs and Features and following this guide: Mac Users: You have special requirements for installinguninstalling Java on your computers Please read CLOSELY here. Technic Launcher Pirata How To Check Your Technic recommends using 64-bit versions of Java (if supported). Previous Post Cracked Minecraft Launcher Next Post Cracked VoidLauncher You may also like Cracked Minecraft Launcher Ma0 Download Minecraft Phoenix Launcher for Windows Continue Reading Download Technic Launcher J0 The Technic Launcher The Technic Launcher is a Continue Reading Wurst v 4.0 minecraft hacked client 1.10.x J0 Wurst The Wurst Hacked Minecraft Client, developed by Continue Reading Search for MInecraft Launchers Download minecraft custom launcher cracked 1.10.2 1.11.2, 1.12.2 Download The Best Technic Launcher Cracked 4.0 Xbox One S Minecraft Limited Edition Bundle Minecraft mojang: Story Mode S2E2 incoming Minecraft Story Mode Season 2 launches today Follow us on Twitter My Tweets Proudly powered by minecraftlaunchers Search for Home News Minecraft Launcher Technic Launcher Feed The Beast Launcher ATLauncher VoidLauncher Minecraft Hacked Clients 1.10.x 1.9.x 1.8.8 1.8 1.7.10 1.7.2 d bloggers like this. Technic Launcher Pirata Install Them Right

Technic Launcher Pirata Install Them Right.Technic Launcher Pirata How To Check Your.